A New Jersey family is grappling with heartbreak after 38-year-old Lauren Saldana, a mother of four, was tragically killed, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend just weeks after welcoming her youngest child.
Police discovered Lauren’s body on Thursday, January 9, at a home in South Brunswick Township, according to local authorities. Shortly after, her ex-boyfriend, 41-year-old Roman Romanovskiy, was arrested and charged with her murder.
Lauren’s oldest daughter, Madison Saldana, told reporters the relationship between her mother and Roman was tumultuous. “It was not a healthy relationship,” she shared. “It was a rollercoaster. They tried to stay apart, but she always wanted to be close to her son.”
The couple shared two children, including a 5-year-old who reportedly witnessed the tragic event, as detailed in a GoFundMe campaign launched to support Lauren’s family. “He’s now faced with trauma no child should ever endure,” the page reads.
Lauren’s three other children are aged 19, 16, and just a few weeks old, highlighting the devastating impact of this tragedy on the family. Madison is now stepping in to seek custody of her younger siblings while also raising awareness about the role domestic violence played in her mother’s death.
The police haven’t revealed the exact cause of Lauren’s death, and the Middlesex County medical examiner’s office was unavailable for comment. Romanovskiy is facing charges of first-degree murder and multiple counts of endangering the welfare of a child. It remains unclear if he has entered a plea or secured legal representation.
The GoFundMe page describes Lauren as a loving mother who faced challenges in life but always wanted the best for her children. “She loved them in the best way she knew how and wanted them to have more opportunities than she did,” the appeal reads.
Lauren’s family is using their grief to shine a light on the dangers of domestic violence, hoping to prevent other families from suffering the same pain.