In a heartbreaking incident in Crows Landing, California, a father was arrested after shooting at the driver of a car that accidentally hit and killed his 2-year-old son. The tragedy unfolded on Tuesday night, January 21st, around 8:30 p.m. on Hwy. 33, just north of Crows Landing Road.
It was an unthinkable accident—the little boy, from Newman, ran into the road while standing near a food truck with his father, Elvis Zepeda. Despite Zepeda’s desperate attempt to chase after his son, the child was struck by an oncoming BMW. The driver, who was understandably shaken, stopped immediately to check on the situation.
But the situation quickly took a darker turn. In a moment of overwhelming grief and anger, Zepeda pulled out a gun and fired several shots at the BMW, hitting the car. Thankfully, the driver was unharmed and quickly left the scene.
Emergency crews and CHP arrived on the scene to find the toddler with severe injuries. Despite being rushed to Doctors Medical Center, the boy tragically passed away.
After collecting evidence from the scene, the Modesto CHP and the Stanislaus County Auto Theft Task Force identified Zepeda as the shooter. He was arrested and booked into the Stanislaus County Public Safety Center on charges of attempted murder, illegal firearm possession, and possession of controlled substances.
Authorities are grateful to local law enforcement agencies, including the Patterson Police Department and the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department, for their assistance. “Together, we strive for a safer community,” the CHP said.
This devastating event serves as a painful reminder of how quickly life can change, and how important it is for everyone to stay calm and think clearly in times of crisis.