A shocking and tragic incident unfolded in Davenport, Florida, where a 45-year-old man is accused of stabbing his girlfriend to death in their townhouse while her teenage daughter was home and on the phone with 911. The accused, Makinson Devalcin, now faces serious charges related to the death of Enese Pierre.
The incident happened early Sunday morning. According to court documents, the victim’s daughter called for help after hearing her mother’s desperate cries.
Deputies rushed to the home after receiving the stabbing call. When they arrived, the daughter told them that her stepfather was armed with a rifle and that her mother had been stabbed and was bleeding. Inside the townhouse, deputies found a horrifying scene. At the top of the stairs, they discovered Devalcin lying face down near the entrance of a bedroom. He had a neck wound, was unconscious but alive, and was taken to the hospital.
Inside the bedroom, the tragedy became clear. Enese Pierre was found on the bed, lifeless, with a stab wound to her neck. Blood covered the scene, and a bloody knife was found on the floor nearby. Investigators later determined the knife likely came from the kitchen, as its sheath was found in a drawer there.
A roommate of the couple also witnessed part of the chaos. She told deputies she was woken by screams and went to check on Pierre. When she got to the master bedroom, she saw the victim bleeding. Before she could step in, Devalcin pushed her away, forcing her to retreat downstairs.
The victim’s teenage daughter provided a chilling account of what happened. She said her mom had come home around 1:40 a.m., wished her goodnight, and went to bed. Not long after, the daughter heard her mom screaming, “Help! He is trying to kill me.” Alarmed, she got up and headed toward the bedroom, only to find her mother injured and begging her to call 911.
After making the call, the daughter returned to the room, only to find the situation had worsened. There was even more blood, and her mother had stopped speaking. The daughter also said Devalcin stood up, grabbed a knife, and made a chilling statement: “No one messes with me.”
Investigators are still piecing together what led to the horrifying attack. The affidavit did not provide details about how or when Devalcin sustained his neck injury. For now, he remains hospitalized and is being held without bail.
This heartbreaking event has left the community in shock, with many grappling with the senseless loss of life and the trauma endured by those who witnessed it.