A heartbreaking and shocking story unfolded in Denver, Colorado, on Christmas Day when a newborn baby was found abandoned on the median of a road. Authorities say the infant was left in a car seat wearing nothing but a diaper. Thankfully, someone passing by noticed the baby and called for help.
According to the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, the incident happened near 7490 Pecos Street. Around 9:20 a.m., deputies responded to a 911 call reporting the unattended baby. The good Samaritan who spotted the child had already stopped to provide help before alerting authorities.
When deputies arrived, they found the baby sitting in a car seat. Strangely, a sign on the seat read, “Display only. Not intended for sale.” The infant was described as appearing to be of mixed race or Hispanic descent. Authorities immediately began searching for surveillance footage or witnesses who might have seen who abandoned the baby.
The sheriff’s office shared photos of the car seat on Facebook and appealed to the public for help, asking if anyone recognized it or knew anything about the baby or their family. Their goal was to reunite the child with loved ones and hold the person responsible for abandoning the infant accountable.
Later that week, on Wednesday evening, deputies announced they had identified and arrested the baby’s biological parents, 42-year-old Jarvis Sims and 33-year-old Christina Thurman. Both face felony child abuse charges.
The investigation revealed a troubling backstory. Media reports indicated that Sims and Thurman had been arguing that day. Sims reportedly got upset about Thurman’s drinking and late-night behavior, leading to him leaving the baby on the median and walking away. Thurman, instead of retrieving her son, called her stepfather for a ride.
Thurman appeared in court before Adams County Judge Jacque Lyn Russell, who described her as a danger to her child, both physically and emotionally. The baby was taken to Children’s Hospital Colorado as a precaution and is reportedly safe.
Sims and Thurman are currently in custody, each held on a $50,000 bond. Both are scheduled to appear in court again on Monday. The community played a big role in spreading the word and assisting authorities in resolving the case quickly, a fact that the sheriff’s office acknowledged and appreciated.
This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of watching out for the most vulnerable among us, especially during the holiday season. The quick actions of a stranger likely saved this little boy’s life.