A heartbreaking incident in Augusta, Georgia, has led to the arrest of a woman accused of severely neglecting her elderly and disabled mother. Tyrossale Peak, 54, is facing charges of neglecting a disabled adult after authorities discovered the shocking condition of her 82-year-old mother, Lillie Sapp, during a welfare check.
Police were called to Peak’s home on Rollingwood Drive on December 30 after someone tipped them off about concerns for Sapp’s wellbeing. When deputies arrived, they found a deeply troubling scene. Sapp was lying in bed, her skin reportedly stuck to the mattress due to untreated bedsores. The smell of bodily fluids filled the air, and the house was overrun with cockroaches.
Sapp, described as incoherent when found, required immediate medical attention. Removing her from the bed was so challenging that EMS workers and firefighters had to cut part of the mattress to free her. She was rushed to Wellstar MCG Health, where she was later reported to be in stable condition.
Authorities say Sapp had been in hospice care but was removed in June under unexplained circumstances. Peak, who was supposed to care for her mother, allegedly failed to provide the necessary support or treatment. In an interview with police and EMS, Peak claimed she fed her mother every morning and gave her two to three bottles of Ensure daily. However, the reality painted a much grimmer picture. The kitchen was infested with cockroaches, dirty dishes piled high in the sink, and the overall state of the home raised serious concerns.
According to the sheriff’s office, Peak admitted to discontinuing hospice care for her mother but did not offer a clear reason. Without hospice support, Sapp’s condition worsened dramatically, leading to what authorities are now calling elder abuse.
If convicted of felony neglect, Peak could face up to 20 years in prison.
The story has shocked the local community, raising important questions about the care and protection of vulnerable elderly individuals. It also serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of reaching out and seeking help when caregiving becomes too overwhelming.