Linda Lavin, the beloved actress known for her iconic role in the TV sitcom Alice, has passed away at the age of 87. Her death, which comes unexpectedly due to complications from recently discovered lung cancer, has left fans heartbroken.
Linda’s career spanned over five decades, beginning with Broadway in the 1960s. She dazzled audiences in It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…It’s Superman and earned her first Tony nomination for Last of the Red Hot Lovers in 1970. But it was her role as Alice, the widowed diner waitress, in the hit sitcom Alice that made her a household name. The show, which aired for nine seasons, made Linda a TV icon.
But Linda didn’t stop there. She continued to shine in TV series, with recent roles in Elsbeth and No Good Deed on Netflix, as well as a recurring role in Hulu’s Mid-Century Modern. Linda was known for her warmth, talent, and generosity, making her a favorite among creators, co-stars, and fans alike.
Off-screen, she shared a loving life with her husband, Steve Bakunas, for 19 years.
Linda Lavin’s legacy will live on, from her unforgettable performances to the countless lives she touched with her charm and spirit. Hollywood royalty, indeed. Rest in peace, Linda, and thank you for the memories.