HomeWeather NewsPunxsutawney Phil Sees His Shadow Is Winter Sticking Around?

Punxsutawney Phil Sees His Shadow Is Winter Sticking Around?

Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, was buzzing with excitement early Sunday morning as crowds gathered for a beloved annual tradition—waiting for Punxsutawney Phil to make his big weather prediction.

As the sun rose over Gobbler’s Knob at 7:24 a.m., all eyes were on the famous groundhog. Would he signal an early spring or six more weeks of winter? The answer came when Phil stood on a stump, looked around, and spotted his shadow. According to legend, that means winter is sticking around a little longer.


This year’s Groundhog Day marked the 139th anniversary of the quirky tradition, which dates back to the late 1800s. Originally, Pennsylvania Germans celebrated the day with feasts, hunting, and even eating groundhogs. Thankfully, the only thing on the menu now is Phil’s weather forecast.


While Phil’s prediction is fun, he’s not exactly known for accuracy. In fact, history shows he only gets it right about 39% of the time. And in the past decade? That number has dropped to just 30%. Still, whether he’s right or wrong, the tradition continues to bring people together every February 2 for a bit of wintertime fun.


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