In a tragic incident at a trailer park in Mesa, Arizona, a 16-year-old boy was arrested last Friday for allegedly committing a shocking crime. According to authorities, the teenager has been charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery, abandoning a dead body, and tampering with evidence.
The incident occurred on December 18 at a trailer park near McKellips Road and College Avenue. Mesa police officers responded to reports of a shooting around 2:30 p.m. Witnesses told police that a male suspect fired multiple gunshots at a man who was sitting in the driver’s seat of a green truck. After the shooting, the suspect allegedly drove off in the same vehicle.
The green truck was later discovered abandoned near Val Vista Drive and McDowell Road, roughly eight miles away from where the crime took place. Authorities also recovered the victim’s body and what they believe to be the murder weapon.
Nine days after the incident, the suspect was located and arrested without resistance at an apartment. The Mesa Police Department is urging anyone with additional information about the case to come forward and call them at 480-644-2211.
This tragic event has left the Mesa community shaken as authorities continue their investigation into what led to this violent act.