In Lenoir County, N.C., an 18-year-old teenager, Logan Garcia, has been arrested again, this time on multiple charges related to a vehicle break-in and the destruction of stolen property. Deputies report that Garcia was previously arrested in December for gun theft. His latest arrest follows an incident on Sunday when a driver experienced a flat tire on N.C. 55 West near the N.C. 903 intersection. After returning to his car, the driver found his vehicle’s driver’s side window broken, and his Apple MacBook Air and other items stolen.
The driver provided deputies with a possible location for the laptop, which led to a coordinated effort between the Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO). WCSO deputies located the laptop at a residence on Slick Rock Road in Goldsboro, where they found the stolen MacBook Air in a swimming pool. Garcia allegedly threw the laptop into the pool in an attempt to hide and destroy evidence.
Garcia was arrested by WCSO deputies, who transferred him to Lenoir County deputies for processing. He faces several charges, including felony breaking and/or entering a motor vehicle, two counts of injury to personal property, and misdemeanor larceny. Additionally, Garcia faces charges of felony destruction of evidence, felony possession of stolen goods, resisting a public officer, and misdemeanor computer trespass.
Due to his prior arrest and ongoing pretrial release conditions, Garcia was denied bond and taken to the Lenoir County Jail. The stolen laptop was recovered and returned to its rightful owner. This arrest marks the latest in a series of criminal activities by Garcia, further highlighting his ongoing legal troubles.