HomeWeather NewsTexas Dad Snowman Adventure with Daughter Turns into Unexpected...

Texas Dad Snowman Adventure with Daughter Turns into Unexpected Workout

A rare snowstorm swept through parts of the country where snow is usually a no-show, leading one dad in Texas to seize the moment for some winter fun with his young daughter. But what started as a heartwarming father-daughter bonding activity turned into an unexpected lesson in how exhausting snow can really be.

The 33-year-old dad, eager to make the most of the snowy surprise, decided to build a snowman with his 6-year-old. Armed with gummy bears for buttons, a carrot for the nose, and a hat to top it off, he bundled up himself and his daughter and headed out into the chilly wonderland.


At first, it was all fun and games. His daughter was thrilled, and he thought it would be a simple, wholesome activity. But as soon as he got into the actual work of rolling and stacking snowballs, reality hit hard.


“I was not ready for this,” he admitted in a now-viral Reddit post. “Snowman-building is supposed to be fun, right? About halfway through, I was sweating like crazy under all my layers and feeling like I was about to pass out. Even my kid was getting tired by the end.”


Despite the effort, they managed to finish their snowman. It wasn’t picture-perfect—“kind of lumpy and misshapen, like me,” he joked—but it was theirs, and his daughter’s joy made it all worth it.

The real struggle came the next day. He woke up feeling like he’d just done an intense workout at the gym. “Everything hurts,” he wrote. “My back, my legs, even my arms. My little girl is sore too. Nobody told me snow would be this much work!”


The dad’s story struck a chord with Reddit users, many of whom chimed in with their own snowy adventures and tips. One person welcomed him to what they called the “snowman builder’s club,” explaining that soreness is just part of the experience. They even gave him advice for next time: take breaks or let the kid do most of the work while sipping a warm drink on the sidelines.

Another commenter shared a pro tip: wear layers you can peel off as you warm up to avoid overheating. And while many applauded the dad for his efforts, some pointed out that this was nothing compared to living in snowy regions.

“Imagine doing this several times a week for six months straight,” one person wrote. “If you can’t picture it, just move to Canada or Alaska—problem solved!”

Even though the dad’s snowman-building adventure left him sore, it’s clear that it created memories his daughter will cherish forever. Painful as it was, he’d probably agree it was worth it. And hey, next time snow falls in Texas, he’ll know exactly what he’s getting into.


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