In a heartbreaking incident, seven individuals are accused of operating a migrant boat and causing the deaths of four passengers during a treacherous journey to the Canary Islands.
The story began on November 3, when a migrant vessel arrived at El Hierro, carrying 207 asylum-seekers. The passengers, mostly from Gambia and Senegal, had embarked on a perilous 800-mile voyage, hoping to find safety. But in the middle of the journey, disaster struck.
According to Spain’s Guardia Civil, the crew became upset with one passenger who was struggling with disorientation due to the hardships of the journey. In a tragic turn, the crew allegedly beat the man, and when other passengers stepped in to defend him, things quickly escalated. Four innocent lives were lost, and one more was left with serious injuries, possibly from a stabbing.
The crew’s actions seem to have been an attempt to intimidate the others aboard, but the consequences were devastating. While three victims have been identified and their families notified, the fourth victim’s identity is still being investigated.
This tragic incident highlights the dangers faced by migrants making the perilous journey to the Canary Islands. As of late December, over 45,000 people have arrived in the archipelago, and an estimated 10,000 asylum-seekers have died attempting the crossing this year alone.
The rise in long-distance maritime migration to the Canary Islands shows just how desperate many are to escape hardships, but sadly, it also highlights the deadly risks they face along the way.