An 85-year-old man named Jesse T. Shehan from Washougal is facing serious charges after a tragic incident on Sunday. While trying to park his car, he accidentally hit two people who were helping him, resulting in the death of one of them.
The unfortunate event took place around 2:45 p.m. in the 100 block of Pendleton Way. When police arrived, they found Theadore Jones trapped under Shehan’s Subaru Legacy. Sadly, despite being rushed to the hospital, Jones later died from his injuries.
Tamera Strunk, who was also helping Shehan, witnessed the whole thing. She described how Jones went in front of the car to guide Shehan when he suddenly drove forward, hitting a parked car and then Jones, dragging him for about 30 to 45 feet. Strunk was also struck but fortunately escaped without injuries.
Shehan, who was still in the driver’s seat when officers arrived, told them he hadn’t consumed any drugs or alcohol, and a breath test confirmed his blood-alcohol level was zero. However, court records revealed that he has dementia and takes several medications for various health issues.
Witnesses noted that his behavior seemed unusual, and police observed that he had pinpoint pupils and slow reactions. A drug recognition expert suggested that he might have been under the influence of depressants and opioids, which are common in the medications he takes.
Due to concerns about his cognitive abilities, a judge ordered Shehan to be released under supervision and placed him on electronic home confinement. He is scheduled to be arraigned on January 6. This incident has left the community in shock, highlighting the dangers that can arise when health issues intersect with driving.