A tragic story unfolded in Tacoma, Washington, where a young father lost his life trying to do the right thing. Lehman “Charrod” Tucker, a loving dad to two little boys, was shot and killed on April 18, 2023, after stepping in to stop a heated argument outside an apartment complex.
The fight was between a woman named Audrianna Young and her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. Young had allegedly been furious after learning her ex and his new partner were expecting a baby. According to prosecutors, she texted her ex-boyfriend threats, including a chilling message that said, “Come outside,” paired with a picture of her holding a gun, and another that read, “I’m gonna light that house up.”
Tucker, a friend of Young’s ex, tried to intervene, hoping to defuse the situation. Instead, the confrontation took a horrifying turn when Artavious Zyshue Magee, 24, showed up wearing a ski mask and shot Tucker six times in the torso as he walked away. Tucker died from his injuries, leaving his family devastated.
Magee later pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter and was sentenced to 13 years and four months in prison. Young, on the other hand, is facing second-degree murder charges for her role in the events leading up to Tucker’s death. Her court hearing for a potential plea deal is scheduled for January 24, 2024.
For Tucker’s family, the loss is unbearable. His mother, La Jonna Johnson, spoke out, addressing Young directly. “I don’t know what you were thinking that day when you brought Artavious to the apartment, but the fact that you sent a message saying, ‘I’m gonna light this place up,’ tells me you knew trouble was coming,” she said. “You have forever changed our family. My grandsons have to grow up without their father. My daughter is heartbroken, and we’re left to pick up the pieces.”
According to court records, the entire ordeal stemmed from jealousy and anger. Young’s rage at her ex-boyfriend’s new relationship escalated to deadly violence. Tucker, described by loved ones as a kind and joyful person, tragically became a victim of this senseless conflict.
Those close to Tucker remember him as more than just a victim. He was a father, brother, son, and friend to many. Known for his bright smile, love of dancing, and competitive spirit, Tucker was always the one to bring joy to those around him. He had recently started a new job and was working hard to build a better future for his children.
A GoFundMe page set up in Tucker’s memory paints a picture of a man who deeply loved his family and wanted to leave a lasting legacy. “Charrod knew he had the support of his family and could do anything with us behind him,” the page reads. “Now, those babies need us. His children and their mothers need his village more than ever.”
This heartbreaking story serves as a reminder of how quickly anger and violence can destroy lives. Tucker’s family is left mourning the loss of a bright light in their lives, while his two young boys face a future without their dad.